「這件事真的很好玩!WordPress 讓我們有這機會聚在一起,交流讓社群一直活躍下去,歡迎加入小聚!」
WordPress 板橋小聚主辦一人
其實我也會很擔心,我的 WordPress 也沒很多經驗,是不是真的「有資格」?但後來會想,WordPress 一直不斷更新,不是每個人都能把握所有的知識。遇到問題,參加 WordPress 小聚的目的就是讓大家一起找出解決辦法,十個人就有十種方法,再從中找到最好、或最適合自己的——這件事真的很好玩!因為 WordPress 我們有這個機會可以聚在一起,交流讓社群一直活躍下去,歡迎加入小聚!
一開始不是主辦,當時我只是一個板橋 WordPress 的參與者,頂多協助拍攝每一次的小講的直播。一直到五月,那時板橋小聚主辦 Erin 因為搬家的原故,沒有辦法再繼續主辦,我們都非常驚訝!板橋小聚來的人數都在三、四十左右,相對來說規模也不小了!那時就一個想法——不想讓小聚結束!我在這真的學到很多。剛好那一天剛好阿竣(三創 WordPress 小聚主辦)也在現場,我們就開始討論讓小聚延續下去的事。一方面想多為社群做點什麼,一方面也給自己一個目標讓自己能成長,就接下了這個工作了。
我其實會想很多,會不會因為換了主辦,本來會參加的就不會來了?接著就會開始煩惱:那是可能是什麼問題?辦得不 OK 怎麼辦?過程中也擔心冷場、乾掉、擔心沒給大家足夠好的觀感,讓人不想持續參與?因為這些雜七雜八的想法,有時還真的會胃痛……覺得自己被丟到一個陌生的地方,一個從沒接觸的領域,但這也是自己的決定。實際上結果還是讓我滿讓我感動的,最後還是回到「交流」的本質,只要順利的開始在現場有一些對話,這個活動就變得有意義,是成功的小聚!回歸到社群,我想主辦最主要的功能,還是在延續這個場所,讓想交流的人有地方來。
其實我第一次參加 WordPress 小聚完全沒說過任何一句話!因為我本身的個性,要見面得夠久,才會想去和對方說話。甚至在參加板橋小聚(還不是主辦),就算已經是一個協辦活動的角色,但因為都在幫忙直播,光是準備、收拾器材,就沒和大家有更多的互動。接下板橋 WordPress 小聚主辦後,心中會有一個責任感,會出現個動機想去接觸參加的人,尤其是首次出現的,想多了解他們的想法。
小聚本身的規劃,我希望每個月都有一個特定的主題,有可能是比較共通的,或是我自己想去了解的,這就是我想要賦與小聚的個性。之所以想要這麼做是因為,也許有人其實很想分享,卻不知道要分享什麼?如果已經設定主題,那也許能給這些人一個切入點 ,靈感就會出現了!
完全是自備自架的!其實當時我自己的直播活動也才剛起步,所以算是半練功的狀態。一方面也希望自己能有所貢獻,一方面也藉由協助直播讓自己的技術更加精進,才知道實際上要在外進行直播,需要準備什麼?WordPress 小聚畢竟是線下的活動,也許有人很感興趣,但真的不方便前來,這時直播能不限地點的讓所有人都能參與,這對整個社群一定有正向影響!
要說 WordPress 改變我的人生,好像又太浮誇了……但要說「參加 WordPress 小聚」改變我的人生,我覺得有!從參加到主辦,跨出了這一步,是很大的改變,末來也會一直成長!其實參加小聚還有個好處是可以練習「一對多」的分享,畢竟很多人平常並沒這樣的機會。你不用怕把它搞砸,搞砸了其實也沒差!很多人本來就不是專業講師,分享才是重點,分享久了就會發現表達能力也會變好!
WordPress 從工具的角度來看,它可能很「雲端」,但每個使用者會有自己的使用方法、不一樣的運用方式,當我們能夠用各自不一樣的 WordPress 形態互相交流,它就不再只是一個工具,而是人與人之間的橋樑!
WordPress 板橋小聚基本資料
主辦人:一人 Hitori
自介:遊戲實況主,熱愛遊戲與戶外直播,從2018/12 起協助板橋小聚進行直播,2019/6月起主辦板橋小聚
[Taipei WordPress Meetup] 交流的能量,是大家一起創造出來的!
[Tainan WordPress Meetup] 覺得自己很弱,表示已經打開了學習的大門!
[Changhua WordPress Meetup] 架站只是第一步!沒人天生就會,放手去玩吧!
[Xinzhuang WordPress Meetup] WordPress 真的是一個接觸「架站」很好的開始!
Hosting WordPress meetups is interesting! We all meet together because of WordPress!
– Banqiao WordPress meetup organizer, Hitori
Actually, I was worried about whether I am qualified to be the host for just a few experiences in WordPress. However, I told myself that WordPress keeps updated and no one could master in every aspect of WordPress. The main goal of WordPress meetup is to gather everyone to solve the problems they encountered. Each WordPress user has his or her own way, and ten users will be ten ways to solve the problem. We could find the best option in those ways. Hosting WordPress meetups is interesting! We all meet together because of WordPress! Welcome to join us!
There’s a story behind Banqiao WordPress meetup. Could you share why you would like to take over and start hosting Banqiao meetup?
I was not the original organizer but just an attendee of Banqiao WordPress meetup, helping streaming each meetup event. Not until May, Erin Lin, the original organizer moved away. She told us that she was not able to host Banqiao WordPress meetup. The news came as a complete shock because there were average 30 – 40 attendees in meetup Banqiao, which was an impressive scale for WordPress meetup in Taiwan. The only thought came to my mind was that “I don’t want the meetup Banqiao to be called off! ” because I did learn a lot in the meetup. Fortunately Chun, the organizer of WordPress meetup in StarRocket was here, we discussed how to keep on hosting Banqiao WordPress meetup. On one hand, I would like to contribute to the WordPress community; on the other hand, it’s a chance to improve myself. As a result, I took over and continued hosting meetup Banqiao.
What’s the difficulty in taking over Banqiao meetup?
I always think too much that many questions came to my mind: whether the participants would decrease due to changing the host? What if the meetup were not successfully held? If there was a dull moment during the meetup, then probably people might not come to meet again. What has come to my mind did annoy me. It just like I have been in an unfamiliar field that I never touched. But after all, it was my decision to continue hosting meetup Banqiao. The result? It touched me. The meetup was born for “communication”. If there were conversations during the meetup, it became meaningful and a success! The meetup is all about community. The most important thing for the host is to keep on hosting the meetup, keep a space for anyone who would like to join.
It’s probably exaggerated to say WordPress changed my life, but I do believe “attending WordPress meetups” changed my life. It’s a big step for me from being an attendee to an organizer and I plan to continue to improve. One of the benefits of participating in a meetup is to practice sharing with a bigger audience. Most people don’t usually get a chance like this in daily life. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, even if you did, it’s totally okay! Most of the people are not professional speakers, all that matter is that you decide to share. Once you start to share, you will find your expression skill improved!
As a web tool, WordPress makes each user find his or her own way to use it. When we could share with each other in every aspect of WordPress, it’s not just a tool but a bridge which connects us!
Banqiao WordPress meetup
Bio: A gaming streamer enthusiastic about video games and live streaming. Help livestream Banqiao WordPress meetup from December, 2018. Start hosting the meetup from June, 2019.
Meetups held:2 ( as of 2019/08 )
Average participants:30
First WordPress meetup:2019/06