特別感謝星海贊助:Jetpack / Special Thanks to Our Galaxy Sponsor: Jetpack

非常感謝 Jetpack 星海級贊助 的大力支持!因為有你們讓 WordCamp Taipei 更圓滿!

A huge thank you to our wonderful Galaxy sponsor Jetpack for helping to make WordCamp Taipei so amazing!

贊助商資訊 / Sponsorship Information

Transform how you work with your WordPress sites: Jetpack connects your site to the global services, community, and support provided by WordPress.com. Focus on the substance of your site, not the software.

Jetpack security tools automatically shield your site from spammers, hackers, and malware, while real-time syncing and backup means never worrying about data loss. Traffic-building tools like easy social sharing help you attract readers and search engines, and pages delivered from a high-speed, global content delivery network mean those readers never bounce because of a slow-loading site.

Jetpack’s Affiliate program gives you 20% every time you sell Jetpack to a customer or client — with unlimited referrals, the sky’s the limit!

Whether you’re one person with a website or an agency with a dozen clients, Jetpack helps you grow. Make your site work for you at Jetpack.com