講者招募截止 / Call for Speaker is Closed


WordCamp Taipei 2019 講者招募已截止,感謝大家的熱烈投稿。若您有投稿議題,我們一定會回覆確認信至您的信箱。如果您有投稿但沒有收到確認信,請務必盡快與我們聯絡。寫信到:taipei@wordcamp.org 或透過社群媒體。



我們已經成功收到您的投稿,感謝您投稿 WordCamp Taipei 2019 議程。

目前議程組正在詳閱您的投稿,議程組有可能會在結果公佈之前聯絡您,向您要求關於投稿的進一步資訊,敬請留意您的信箱。講者名單預計會在 2019 年 9 月 25 日公告,如果您有入選成為講者,我們有可能會在公告日期前先行通知。



WordCamp Taipei 2019 – the deadline for call for speaker has already passed! Thank you for submitting your topic.

If you had submitted your proposal(s), you must get a confirmation email from us. If you haven’t gotten a confirmation email, please contact us ASAP: taipei@wordcamp.org or our social media.

The confirmation email template :

Hello (Name),

Your speaker application is well-received. Thank you for your submission to WordCamp Taipei 2019. During the application and selection process, we may ask for more details from you before making the final decision. 

The final speaker selection will be announced on September 25th, 2019. You may be informed before this date if you are chosen to become our speaker.

If you have any question, please feel free to email us at taipei@wordcamp.org